Triple Point Bottle Freezing and Storage Device

DY-DP Triple Point Water Bottle

2020-12-9 本文被阅读 4453 次

DY-DP Triple Point Water Bottle

DY-DP Triple Point Water Bottle

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[Product Introduction]

DY-DP Water Triple Point Flask (TPW) is a temperature fixed point defined by both thermodynamic and international temperature scales.

The unit of thermodynamic temperature, Kelvin, is defined as the water triple point thermodynamic temperature 1/273.16. It is also the fixed point for the definition of the 1990 International Temperature Scale (ITS-90).

Therefore, the water triple point temperature is an important, accurate and easy to use temperature standard. The water triple point bottle achieves a temperature of 0.01℃ with an extended uncertainty of less than 0.0001℃.

[Technical indicators]

◎ Dimensions (mm): 57*380/60*450

◎ When inner hole diameter: Φ 12 mm

◎ Reproducibility: ≤ 1MK

◎ Immersion depth: 265mm

◎ Packaging material: boron-silicon glass or quartz

◎ Water source: it is the Marine water which has been carefully distilled many times

DY-DP Triple Point Water Bottle

DY-DP Triple Point Water Bottle

DY-DP Triple Point Water Bottle

DY-DP Triple Point Water Bottle

DY-DP Triple Point Water Bottle

Taian Demei Electromechanical Equipment Co.,LTD.
